Inside A Grave Anytime In Any Graveyard Alone *** Poem by MOHAMMAD SKATI

Inside A Grave Anytime In Any Graveyard Alone ***

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We're locked up Over there... We're alone with Those greedy worms... We're not with our Pretty friends anymore... We are not with the company of Our loved-ones anymore... We are alone and Without all that we had... It is a different image Inside that dark grave... It is another world which Is invisible from what we used To live it anytime... Our arrogance has gone away Simply because we are inside that Scary tomb anytime... A lot of people pass away everyday, but We don't consider from them... Our death is inevitable and It is absolutely unavoidable anytime, Anywhere, and everywhere... We're all the time surrounded by that Circle of death from our birth into Our death... Some don't consider from those who are Passing away from this world into The other world... We will be in there, In our tombs, Sooner or later, To mix with the normal dust Which we came from A long, long time ago... Death ambushes for all of us, but Most of us do not consider at all... As long as we cling to this world, then We will not consider from those who Passed away or from those who pass away Everyday around us... We need to be ready to that world of Death before it is over To all of us... If we don't take lessons from those who Left us earlier, then It will be for us... ______________________________________________________________________

Inside A Grave Anytime In Any Graveyard Alone ***
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