Isaiah's Message To Israel Poem by Bob Gotti

Isaiah's Message To Israel

Isaiah in chapter 53, speaking to the people of Israel, he appealed,
Who has believed our message and to whom has The Lord been revealed?

He would grow up before Israel like a tender shoot with no majesty,
And because He was rejected, they shall go through great tragedy.

Even though He was despised and by his people He was not esteemed,
He is the long awaited Messiah, in whom all Israel will be redeemed.

For God sent His Son Jesus as The Lamb of God for Israel to behold,
But because of His disfigured appearance His people were appalled.

But soon kings and mighty men will shut their mouths on bended knee,
What they were not told or didn't hear they will understand and see.

The Cross is where Jesus Christ carried our sorrows and infirmities,
He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities.

Yet we like sheep have gone astray, each of us turning his own way,
But the punishment that brings us peace was laid upon Him that day.

He was led like a lamb to slaughter and was like a sheep on that day,
Who can speak of His descendents, for by judgment He was taken away.

It was for the transgression of His people that Christ was stricken,
And at His death was assigned a grave with the rich and the wicked.

But, it was His Father's will to crush Him and cause Him to suffer,
For God shall justify many through the saving blood of The Savior.

(Copyright © 02/2002)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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