Just Goes To Show, It Doesn'T Matter How Big Your Sword Is, You'Re Not Always Invincible Poem by Amanda Saveley

Just Goes To Show, It Doesn'T Matter How Big Your Sword Is, You'Re Not Always Invincible

I never meant to love you.
I never meant to care.
I never meant to try to mend
That which the world did tear
I never meant to say those words
They must've slipped my mind
I'd only said them once before
I never was that kind
I never should have sat there
I never should have spoke
I never should have tried to fix
What I hadn't even broke
I shouldn't have noticed the sun on your hair
Or the moonlight on your face
Or the way you carry heavy weight
And still carry it with grace
I shouldn't have even thought to look
Nor laid my eyes on you
And you shouldn't have looked back at me
Yes, part of this is on you
I didn't want to hurt you
But didn't mean to stay
But it doesn't even matter
Because I can't leave anyway

And now that it's too late for that
The thought's more than I can take
Falling in love with you was an accident...

Staying in love with you was a mistake.

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