Keeper Of Secrets Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

Keeper Of Secrets

Rating: 5.0

Here you want my black little book have it.
Secrets revealed.
No more, no longer mine.
No more, no longer time.
Carry the weight and do what you will.
Destroy lives.
Send back the tides.
I'm leaving today.
Revenge is not something I want to go through.
Keeper of the peace.
Packing up his personally property.
All this time you can thank or hate me.
But I told no one except that black book.
She was my confessor.
Of all the words I heard.
The sleeping around with friends.
The child that ain't really his.
The fight he didn't really win.
The 30 year old all but virgin.
Every one sits in there.
Because all I do is listen.
Non stop, non disclosure of friendships.
Go ahead it all yours.
Burn this whole town to ground.
I'm sure there is more then enough.
Playing both sides of the fence.
But at least I was trying to keep the peace.
Tell me what are you going to do?
Not giving into it?
The black book, the one that was never suppose to get exposed.
So naked, maybe I was never wearing any cloths.
So vulnerable.
Time for my long overdue escape.
See how they do without the keeper of all these secrets.

Unwritten Soul 11 May 2013

If we compare others with self, we may see we are less in some cases but dont we found what we good at than others too? well mostly we see the thing that we only nothing than others and weaker, so if we feel this let we try to be thankful in each we have now...because we never feel how great we are now till we lose all we had. If book was black and surely the secret was written by black pen, as if your secret is white i am sure your book is exist but will see everybody hold a secret in their heart, they write them with the feeling that invisible from other eyes...if only their eyes feel the same colors of the ink, they will know.. secret sometimes is better be secret, but sometimes remain untold but littlest being revealed and it's good to do...and keeper of secret is like the guard of the castle door... we keep it because we only allow good things to us and you know, you know why secret does matter to unwritten your soul from other eyes because once it told it never be secret anymore, and secret like i told better untold or if you cant dont hold..your poem is provoking my thought Ace_Soul

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Poetheart Morgan 10 May 2013

The black book should go back to your hands and if you can, put the poem inside! Again your poetry makes me think. Very powerful both the book and the poem.

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