Kids Poem by Claire Galpin


Looking after kids is great,
Running around at such a rate,
They can be really quite cheeky,
But it’s better than being weary,
The questions they ask,
They last and last till tea.

This is the place for me,
With kids by the side of me,
They tire you out by the end of the day,
And are also good at getting in the way,
These kids I’m on about,
Are really quite good, that’s without doubt.

Kids get into things they shouldn’t.
But what child wouldn’t,
One of them is very cheeky,
But can be very silly
You tell him he’s an ant down his back,
He’ll stamp and shout till he gets a smack.

You can tell when kids are tired,
They go all floppy and jealous,
When they see something they want,
They go to all lengths to get it,
Which sometimes starts a fight,
But usually ends up bright faces.

When one of them is bad,
I tell them off and they a re sad,
I’ll tell them off this time,
But really I didn’t mind.
Daft old boys, they’re only kids,
But at times they act like drips.

I love to see their little clothes,
And little bodies that fir them,
With fingers and toes, half the size of yours,
There little cheeky smiles they give,
I’ve always wanted to work with kids,
Because they help one to live.

I often think of poor old Mam,
Who had three and not one lamb,
My sister first, my brother next,
And little me at next expense,
And I walked out the door,
Before my brother went through the floor.

I love to see the kid’s faces,
When smiling and laughing,
I like to see them playing,
I like to see them happy,
I hate to see them crying,
Quite noisily behind the door.

I’ve got the job,
I’ve wanted for years,
For this I never shed a tear,
With this job, there is no fear,
Not even on a night,
When everything is black and white,

Claire Galpin

Claire Galpin

Nelson, Lancashire
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