Is This The Life For Me Poem by Claire Galpin

Is This The Life For Me

Is this the life for me?
How am I to tell?
I’m all mixed up, I can’t get on,
I’m only fit for hell,
If I’m only fit for hell,
How am I to tell?
For all I know or care,
That’s where I’m at now.

Is this the life for me?
Will someone let me see?
Will someone tell me where I’m at?
I only want to know just that,
I’m really not that strong,
Everything seems to go wrong,
It’s best for me to leave this world,
Its not for me, I’ll leave without a word.

I’ll jump under a car,
And hope it takes me far,
In an ambulance I will go,
Where to I don’t know,
My deathbed I hope,
I don’t believe in reincarnation,
What will happen to my relations?
If I die it will leave sorrow,
I don’t want to see tomorrow.

I love my parents
And all my grand and god relations,
Aunts and Uncles and all of them too,
But that is all I look forward to,
I have a brother and a sister too,
Who loves me just as my parents do
What have I to do with them?
What would I do without them?
I can’t leave without a good-bye,
One thing I do know, I must die.

If I take a trip at home,
Nobody is going to know,
I’ll write out my life story,
Then read all about my worry,
Then see me rip it,
Into very small bits,
Writing is not for me, to write a story,
Writing is not for me, to read and worry,
Writing is words,
People write all over the world.

If I take a trip at home,
I will be all on my own,
Nobody will know about my show,
On all my silly secrets in me,
Nobody will know if it turns out good,
Nobody will know if it turns out bad,
It won’t be bad, not with a headache,
I might as well wait three weeks and meditate,
I think its worth, just once to wait.

What is there left for me in life?
I never want to be a wife,
There never will be any Luv in me for a boy,
For me there never will be any happiness or joy.
With coppers around like fleas,
The wogs around you make you sick,
Tell them where to go and give them a kick,
They get on everyone I knows wick,
I wish they’d go back to their own wog countries quick.

Joseph Poewhit 18 July 2011

Like letting the air out of a balloon.

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Claire Galpin

Claire Galpin

Nelson, Lancashire
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