Knowledge Shall Increase Poem by Bob Gotti

Knowledge Shall Increase

Learned people in the world gain more knowledge as each day goes by,
Unfortunately they never seem to acknowledge The Lord up in the sky.

Diplomas, certificates, and achievements are their present disguise,
But, The Lord up above will make foolishness the wisdom of the wise.

In the Bible the prophet Daniel stated that knowledge would increase,
However, in light of this increasing knowledge where is their peace.

Even in this world there's a peace to be found, this you can be sure,
But this peace is not of the world, but in the knowledge of The Lord.

The Lord also spoke of a famine that will spread throughout the land,
But his is not the normal famine of food that is known to common man.

It will be a spiritual famine, a worldwide famine of God's Holy Word,
Men's hearts will become harder, even some of those who have heard.

Soon all of the knowledge of the earth will be a thing of the past,
While only the knowledge of The Lord through all Eternity will last.

Man's wisdom and knowledge can be necessary down here on the earth,
But the knowledge for Heaven is higher and must include a New Birth.

This knowledge required for Eternity you will find in only one place,
It is found in God's Holy Bible, which we received through His Grace.

This knowledge is essential for everyone, when all is said and done,
For the only knowledge that will save you, is knowledge of The Son.

(Copyright © 06/2002)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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