Last Light Poem by Denis Martindale

Last Light

Before the coming of the night,
There comes a softening time,
That heralds, then, that soon last light,
An hour so sublime...
When eyes attune to changing hues
And ears hear newmade sounds,
The sun melts when the moon brings news
Of new life that surrounds...

And so, not all, would greet that eve,
When darkness makes its trade,
For some, the final time to grieve,
Just cause to stare afraid...
The pattern stands without regard
For those whose lives will end
And though, of course, this truth's so hard,
There's no way round it, friend...

While humans sleep so warm in bed,
God's creatures fight for food,
That's why each night brings fear and dread,
A deadly change of mood...
Yet sunshine offers no escape,
When night has bid adieu,
As open eyes see every shape
And ask, 'What will it do? '

Denis Martindale, copyright December 2015.

Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: animals
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