Last Seconds(Ottava Rima Poem) Poem by Marieta Maglas

Last Seconds(Ottava Rima Poem)

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A cup scraps along iron bars, cup of tea
Sweeter than the honey and the honeycomb.
There were gleams in her teeth and her sad esprit.
Her smell brought the breeze from her funeral home.
With hollow eyes, the moon climbed the night to see
Scientists of horror as pieces of gnome,
The dawns of hope and the sunsets of despair,
Leaves dancing around as shadows in the air.

On hills, her voice was parched and glazed was her sight,
The sooner rose dies the latter is its scent.
Tearing, roaring, she felt her soul in the light,
In a coming death was her sorry lament.
Her soul had sad wings for her flight in the night.
She was cribbed, confined in tears for this event.
Her legs bestrode the abyss to hold the pain,
Her mind was whipping her memory in vain.

She felt a strange scent of garbage and perfume
She had a wheezing throat because of her fear.
Her mind touched the heavens to dispell her gloom
While keeping her thoughts to be her last frontier,
More than real, o’er her hallucinating doom,
Wanting to be happy, she felt her wet tear.
She felt that her execution wasn't kind,
But was a hellish paradise of the mind.

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Ottava Rima
A Ottava Rima is a poem written in 8-line octives. Each line is of a 10 or 11 syllable count in
the following rhyme:

one octive poem. abababcc
two octive poem. abababcc, dededeff
three octive poem. abababcc, dededeff, ghghghii

Marieta Maglas

Marieta Maglas

Radauti, Judet Suceava, Romania
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