Let Me Tell You About Love Poem by Esther Hadassah Sendeza

Let Me Tell You About Love

Rating: 5.0

Do not tell me that love is blind,
for it is all seeing and accepting

Do not tell me that love is weak,
for it is strong and not frail.
a pillar and a stronghold in the field of battle,
it strengthens only because it is real.

Do not tell me that love is flawless,
for it is all seeing of flaws and blemishes.
it is accepting and it looks beyond,
it goes further than bad habits and mannerisms,
For it dwells in the soul and not on the surface.

Do not dare tell me that love is unafraid,
for it is recognizing of all fears and insecurities,
and it is knowing the role to comfort.

Do not tell me that love is perfect,
for it is working through all the challenges,
and holding on during the painful times,
it is working around the imperfect and moulding perfection.

Infatuation though is fragile,
and it will shatter when life is not perfect.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: infatuation ,love
Sandra Feldman 29 July 2019

You tear down, kindly the clichés about love, writing in your own very defendable and well thought out arguments in a most pleasant and excellently, written form. A vey memorable work.

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