Let Us Not Be Hidden And Dance In The Rain Poem by Tammi Celina Lyons

Let Us Not Be Hidden And Dance In The Rain

There is no dream, we've played the same scene
A movie played over and over
Have you seen my face
I have forgotten who I am
Let me out of this nightmare
I have chosen to lead the way
And so I will say come with me
We can dance freely
Let's jump in the river
And cleanse our souls
Let the rain pour down on our skin
And vanish our sins
We are not perfect
And we are no secret
We fell in love in a lost place
Where I have forgotten who I am
So who am I?
I need a reason why I was here locked,
And the seasons have changed through the years
I have lost myself into madness.
I admit, my escape was my drug
I wanted to escape from the faces I once knew
So I've held in tears for years asking why I was the one captured?
As the man I was stuck with understood my view
I felt my heart,
I felt for him.
I took his hand and now
I'm running running to be gone.
His arms captured around my body, and whispered
'In the light of day we finally see, and I take you by the hand and we will find a way through the mountains. I'll take care of you from this life that we call home.'
And than I knew, he was the light in the darkness that kept me from my madness.
I thought I was gone, dead to the world.
But my love, our love was the brightest in the dark.
And so he grabs my hand and leads me to the pouring rain
And sing our song,
For we were both mad.

Monday, November 2, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: dance,darkness,insanity,rain,shadows
We've been hiding from our shadows for way to long, we just need to be remembered we are still human.
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