Life Is A Fight. Poem by Black Consciousness Poetry BCP

Life Is A Fight.

Fighting is not easy, but what is in a world where war is the order of the day, where we have to fight for our life against drugs, against disease from cancer to HIV, from Ebola to the Zika virus. What is in a world where we are impoverished and are starved to death, what is in a world where we are worked to death for the enrichment of a few and the survival of a great many people, what is in a world where the innocent are criminalizes and the criminals go free.

We will have to fight through the sickness, we will have to fight through blackness, we will have to fight through pain and ache, we will have to fight through religious lies and illusions, we will have to fight through doom and gloom, through hopeless and what seems to be purposeless, we will have to fight through relationship rejections and not kill ourselves because of disappoints, this world is not a fairy land, it is a war zone.

So while we have impulses of love, success, recreation, spiritual sensations and, enlightenment. While we pause to have a drink and make love, while we break to have a moment with our children, with our parents, with our friends, with our colleagues, with our brothers and sisters, with our cousins and nieces, while we have a moment to enjoy music and have some amusement, while we have a period in which we can tell and write stories, a period in which we can teach and reflect, we can invent, innovate and create, while we have a moment of peace, of serene, wisdom and knowledge, while we have a moment in time to think for others, touch, smell, taste and make memories, while we have a moment to appreciate each other, each other's beauty, and aesthetic artistic appearances, while we have words to express how we feel about others, we might as well enjoy the moments because we will have an interruption to get us back to the fights of life.

We will suddenly be visited by the reality that life is a fight. For a black man, it is a fight to be human or at least to be seen as one, generally and globally because the truth is you might be the very first of mankind, your fight is to be truly great again as the history books tells the tales, your fight is to love your own as you love yourself, maybe it is to love yourself first and by so doing have a standard to which you can refer to and a standard by which you can judge your love for your own. Your fight is to grow your own food and feed your kind, your fight is to have sovereignty of your land and control whatsoever it contain, your fight is to have self-determination in the land of your fathers and wherever you find yourself. Your fight is to get your family principles back and keep them, your fight is to love your wife (wives) and children and raise them to be what they once were, great. Your fight is to cease to be a modern 21 century slave and be the master and the captain of your destination and that of your people. You fight is to build institutions and organizations that will educate your children and not miseducate. It is to build government and or communities build on the true African Ubuntu principles. Yours is to rebuild oneself in every area of the current life, from the military strength to the medical institution and their whole products and processes. From the academia to the social structures and cultures, from the economics to the technology power. And much more, but the fact remains that you must fight with every last of your children, with every ounce of strength left in you, with every weapon you have left, with every skill, knowledge and mastery you have. With everything left in you and with whatever means necessary. You have to fight and if the fight ends with your life or you grow old on the battle field, pass it on to the next generation and teach them to do the same until we can have self determination and have the power to call our soul our own.

Every race, every nation, every individual has a fight to fight, I say confront it. All of humanity has a fight to fight.

We must fight our way through our very reality and challenges, and suffering, and pain, and loss, and helplessness, and powerlessness and only you and God know what else we will have to vow to defeat or eventually offer our lives on the battle fields of whatever war we are faced with. Greetings.

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Life Is A Fight.
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