Life Is For Fun! ~~~the World Is Full Of Milk And Honey! ! ! Poem by Chuy Amante

Life Is For Fun! ~~~the World Is Full Of Milk And Honey! ! !

Life is for Fun

One day when you're rockin'
in that ole' chair
will your life story be
of a life just fair?

Will you have tales of a never ending bliss?
Will it be full of smiles, squeezes and kiss?

As for me and my trail,
it's always been one,
when I arrive at a fork
I'll always choose fun!

My parents worked hard and their duty fulfilled,
but 'fun' was a concept from an unknown planet
call Thrill.

Work your life
and fingers
to the bone
eat, sleep and crash
when you get home?

Whose life are you living,
for you or The Man?
Are you his slave,
paid just enough
to fill the pot and pan?

That may be enough for some folks, not me.
I'd rather live in the forest, a beach or a tree.

I've slept outside for years on end,
my lifestyle of fun, I need not defend.

Paying taxes hell no, living for free
camping out in a Bus, needing no Deed

I see all the slaves everywhere I do look,
they are programmed,
they swallowed the bait
and then felt the hook

I'm done with this place and all its restrictions,
off to the forest silent outside of our
Handler's jurisdiction

This philosophy can only work
if you've lost your fear,
of what is an illusion,
life so dear.

When there is no fear of physical death,
imagine your chains cut, new life, fresh breath!

There is no death just continual transitions.
Why fear that,
let go of passed-down inhibitions

Screw the Deed, taxes, Titles and ownership
Time to paddle on out
in your own style of dream ship!

If this is a concept
way beyond human thinking,
you're brainwashed, your trapped
your rules are stinking

There is a simple answer to shed all that,
but without doing your work,
you'll just sit there fat.

A spiritual enema you desperately need,
that doesn't just happen accidentally.

Leave the world of TV and Media darkness,
Eat and drink nothing but pure,
fresh, no thing with harshness.

It takes only days,
the old world then cracks,
you'll see thru the haze
and can now plan your attack

Stay in the old rusty chains of lack
or take your entire happy life back?

Why wait for death
hoping for a fast heart attack?

Go where you will, be real simple,
leave no tracks, not even a dimple

Get out and LIVE! ! !
For free or with money!
THE WORLD IS FULL and overflowing! !
with MILK AND lotsa HONEY!

I have no interest in being the wealthiest man with the
most prestigious titles in the graveyard.

There will be no tombstone,
just happy dust in the smiling wind...
Chuy Amante

Chuy Amante

You are Perfect!
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