Life Of Performers Poem by Obed dela Cruz

Life Of Performers

Closed are the curtains as they turned off the spotlight,
We waited long for claps and cheers but silence came.
Haunted was the theatre as it slept through the night
For without justice some caused tomatoes of shame.

Then they removed the beautiful rose from its vase
And placed it with the set of weeds to be burned down
But it survived though it encountered the fire’s face
Because torn from itself the smiles burdened by frown.

As moments passed, we heard a sound of an echo
From a strange orchestra producing harmony.
Heavenly anthems removed the trace of sorrow;
T’was a moment worthy of place in history.

The rose was lifted and placed on the center stage,
Butterflies roamed as they were released from their cage.

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Copyright © 2010 by Prince Obed de la Cruz

(August 19,2010; Marikina City)

(This poem is written by Obed Dela Cruz. To use it in a proper manner, please email him at

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(Dedicated to AMACCAPELLA - the best Glee Club or choir as some may call it. This exists inside AMA EAST RIZAL and hope to expand!)

(To AMACCAPELLA members:
We are stronger than any force. Our sound, music, note, harmony and melody shall vibrate and echo through times and years. We will not be left alone. We will never dissolve in the impious ashes and clutches.

Though there are some inside our campus who seeks to derail our progress, they have their own selfish reasons why but never lose heart. Love your campus. Obey them that have the rule over you. Let us show them that we are liberal-minded and professional-thinkers (though we are still students) . TO MAKE AN ENEMY A FRIEND IS ONE OF THE SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE WON THE BATTLE.

As a baritone sectional leader, I would encourage you to make a sound that will make things work out for good. To step on these crabs is easy. Remain being a human being. Be humble even in your name and greatness.

As the president of SAMA KA organization, I would like to encourage you to keep on promoting a culture of excellence! Do everything that would raise higher the standards of our University. We are the first and largest IT University in Asia and let us maintain this kind of honor and prestige. Let us show the next generation that technology can never remove the values of humanity for it is a medium to help, not to destroy. It exists to train or make a better set of human beings, it does not want to create a future of cables and robots.

GO AMAers! We can do this!)

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