Like Sphinx Rise From Ashes Poem by John Sensele

Like Sphinx Rise From Ashes

On the cusp of stepping into your promised land
Listen to the little voice
Enjoining you to cling, to hold on for dear life to the hand
Of God where your boundless choice

Lies in wait to reset your bearing and course
To restore, renew the vitality
God bestows on you from his divine source
Teeming with both quantity and quality

Essential to conquer forces that had you blind
At work, in your education, in your social circle
Where hard you try you slide on to a lemonade rind
Crying, sighing, whining, whinging as debacle upon debacle

Heaps on you sorrow that knows no thrift
Crushing you like a boa constrictor
Primed to nullify, magnify, modify and horrify your every shift
To the glee swimming on the face of a detractor

Until a little voice from within your conscience nudges you
To return to the mighty hand of God
To plan, design, prepare and begin anew
Against the cold odd

To recharge your faith battery
Fly again despite your broken wing
Back to God's factory
Away from the swing of bling and closer to the zing

God extends to enable you to rise from ashes like the proverbial sphinx
Redesigned, reconfigured, reinvented, reinvigorated, renewed
As God's hand breaks you free from the jinx
Where forays into madness had you crushed, smashed, thrashed and stewed.

John Sensele

John Sensele

Ndola, Zambia
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