Lola She Liked A Look Through The Window Poem by Miroslava Odalovic

Lola She Liked A Look Through The Window

Rating: 5.0

Into a colour lit night
Her dresses white hands transparent
A through thought penetrate glitter of the glass
Her colours were made of the white washed walls
She echoed a raven ebony tied hair
She echoed a raven a raven and a woman
Both fragile thin bird like thinning lines
Of a double sword beak singing the mask of light

Did she see the masts the sails or the ships
Did she spill the white cloud dress down her hips
Did she seal the colours long dead fading on her lips

Or simply tied everything within the clasp of her hands
Resting nestling in the calm white lap


p2questions leading into the last stanza line 'Resting nestling in the calm white lap' completes a caged bird image. I would have added a last line for you. 'A sweet song bird caged aged sings no more songs'

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p1There is incredible imagery in this poem, the first four lines ending with the impact 'Her colours were made of the white washed walls'; sets up the raven imagery splintering into overlapping personalities fragile. The second stanza of

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I wrote the poem 'Words Heard Echo Inner Eye Openning', inspired by the poem 'Lola She Liked A Look Through The Window', by the poet Miroslava Odalovic and dedicated to Miroslava Odalovic.

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