Longing (Of A Wife) Poem by Elizabeth Roux

Longing (Of A Wife)

The day I said “I do”
I vowed my life to you,
All my hopes and dreams
My fears and needs
Melted into one with yours
We were two no more.

And then my life as married wife
Started with a roar of chores
With pets to feed, lunches every day
Dishes, washing, baths and more
You beside me, all the way.
Yet your kisses is what I missed

And slowly passion is replaced
With tired bodies, late at night
Quick hello’s and quick goodbyes
A hug, a kiss, a longing look
Another load outside to dry.
My soul amiss your sweet caress

Waking up again this morning
Next to you on our warm bed
You on your side, me on mine
The winter cold our coverlet
Your body close, and yet so far
Pining for your warmth, your touch.

Oh how I long for just an hour
Not a minute before dinner
Like rushing through another chore
Not just moments, but a loving spell
To slowly let our love burn through
the build up of our wanting passion

To strip away the masks we wear
As mother, father, employee
And bare ourselves, care free
from obligations and necessities
To love and want and hunger
For an hour, just each other.

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