Lost Lover Poem by Rajesh Kumar Vaid

Lost Lover

Rating: 5.0

The dark blue sky
Hung over the east
Was beginning to have,
The cool orange feast,

The sparrows fidgety chirping
The parrots’ chorus flight
Day was slowly breaking,
The owls went quiet,

The air was breezy,
And loess felt nice
The flowers waved happily
Whose joy would not suffice?

But heart felt a tinge
The body was in pain
As love was everywhere,
But here was in vain

The night was over!
This night was in eyes
New sun shines bright
A lost lover fights!
Written sometime in 1989

Malini Kadir 13 December 2008

This too shall pass.......and morning shall come after this night! your poetry appears to say!

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Reshma Ramesh 18 December 2008

beautiful.............this one is really........beautiful.......well penned

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You created such a wonderful backdropp for your poem and life goes on every day, even though one is in pain... beautiful imagery. Excellent. Karin Anderson

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Ency Bearis 16 December 2008

Lost lover still had not lost his courage...fine metaphor write..10 Ency Bearis

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Dr Kamran Haider 16 December 2008

The night was over! This night was in eyes New sun shines bright A lost lover fights! I think love is actually known to us, when we lose it... George Bernard Shaw said... 'There are two tragedies in life, one is not to get your heart’s desire and the other one is to get it…” I was lost in the imagery of your poem for a while, beautiful indeed… Thanks a lot for sharing this lovely poem of yours…

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C T Heart 16 December 2008

The dark blue sky Hung over the east Was beginning to have, The cool orange feast, ------- A unique way of opening verse, great imagery used, so poetical. Crafted with brilliance...a 10/10

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