Love Poem by Autumn Winds


Something totally intangible
Yet something we feel
Like blind faith
We abide by it
But is it real?
Like being in a family
Or and honor bound oath
Do we have ties and connections
A string between people
Or is it simply an illusion we use
To convince ourselves of reality in life?
Is it there invisibly?
Like the wind ruffling your hair
Something there we just can't see
Is it like an instinct?

Something in our perception?
This key to our affection
Is it a chemical reaction in the brain?
The feeling of butter flies,
When you speak my name?
The fast beating of a heart
The awkward words that come out
Because we are to startled to sound smart?
What is this thing called love that I think I feel?
When love is nothing but a fairy tale?
Jumbled up words and twisted emotions
When I look into your eyes I feel like
I've been drugged with a potion
Sweet smiles and kisses
Why do I feel like twirling in dresses?
What is thing we call love?

We think it's there
And we don't really care if it's actually there
Or not, just as long and we continue
To feel like our insides are melting
When two people are side by side
Holding hands and just walking
Why do we call this thing love?
What do I feel when I run my fingers
Through your pretty blonde hair
Like your there and you'll always be there
When I know forever is just a mirage
Seeing something in the distance
Reaching for that thing you think is there
But in the back your mind knowing
You won't reach it

Is it a mechanical dictation?
Are we being watched for a diease,
A medical observation?
To feel something we think is there
This thing between one pair
We feel it in our bones
Throughout our hair
From the tips of our fingers
The feeling of it lingers
Leaving us wanting more
Leaving us yearning for it longer than before
What really happens when you have your first kiss?
What is it that makes us miss?
Wanting to be togeather
But just being remembered
Why do we want forever?

Autumn Winds

Autumn Winds

Sanfrancisco, California
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