Love Letters To Helen Of Sparta Poem by Joseph S. Josephides

Love Letters To Helen Of Sparta

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Helen, your hair is a pure ear of wheat,
your smile is a goodness of the first rain,
your warmth brings halcyon days in heavy winter,
you are the perfume and leaven of May’s rose.
I’ll kidnap you from Sparta with all your seasons.

I, Paris, still have time to love and to be loved,
my vessel is waiting aside for you and me
to depart for a secured resort, there at Troy;
all of my three sails will be blown by love.

In the day your kiss is my armor
oh, in the night you disarm me
and use the sheets as your wings.
I cut the Eros wings, to have him with us,
oh love, you are the truth, deep in my lie,
I breathe you as oxygen in my blood;
Our love in sunshine has an inner sound,
your aroma is blended with bright light.

You are the sky, I am the sea, face-to-face
your mirror reflect the same color for us both,
blue, grey, black, your fate is my fate;
love I give you, love I’m receiving from you;
your smile hitched on the edge of your lips,
oh my thirsty goodness, Sahara got back.

Helen, music of Muses, only in your hug
I, till now unjustified one, am fully justified.
Your breeze cools all the shells of my shore,
from a distance of thousands of miles.

© JosephJosephides

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