Loving The Feeling Of The Inasinty That Creeps Inside Poem by Trevor McLeod

Loving The Feeling Of The Inasinty That Creeps Inside

What is this feeling
It is strangly satisfying
it tingles up my back like goosebumps
but it feels so good I can't get enough
The back of my head tingles unlike anything I have ever experienced
is because of what I am doing

it feels good to watch
feels right
the voice is silent
only a gurgle now
the screaming was giving me a headache
but now silence
well maybe not silence that annoying dripping is bugging me

though it was fun
I can't do to much
My stamina isn't up good enough
maybe with practice
it will get better
yeah with practice I can get better

I step out into the night
the liquid on my shirt chills me as the breeze gently wraps around me
I see the truck it is nice color
the engine roars to life
I feel the tingle again
I love that feeling

I turn onto the highway
best to put some distance between me and them for now
my fun has just begun I can't be caught now
I crank the stereo laughing as I speed

Headlights catch my attention
someone is catching up
I slow down a bit
they pass me on my right
the car is fast
but I can't let this opportunity pass me
I push the accelerator to the floor
I feel the engine rumble in response

The needle climbs steadily higher
Adrenalin pumping I can barely stand the excitement
I throw my head back and laugh
I love this feeling
I slowly catch up with the car

The girl driving ignores me
I swerve close to her
She sees me and flips me off
wrong thing to do

I floor the gas again and swing hard to the right
the SUV hits her hard
she manages to recover
I am impressed as she pulls ahead of me
I love this feeling

I follow slowly closing the distance
I nudge her car from behind
I see her scream
I love this feeling

I move the side of the car
and tap the back end
like I have seen all the cops do
it works just as well
I love this feeling

Her car spins out of control
Flying into the ditch the car flips
I turn around
stopping my truck next the car
I get out
and peer inside

a set of frightened eyes stare back at me
She is stuck
I try and open the door
it won't budge
and that won't due

gripping the door frame I brace myself and pull
I win like always
I see fear as I pull the door away
I love this feeling

I pull my knife out
the fear doubles as she sees the red blade
I grin as I cut away the seatbelt
she fall onto the roof of the car
I drag her out
she is crying as I sheath the once clean knife
I love this feeling

I let go of her arm
she tries to stand
only to fall in a cry of pain
I didn't know ankles could bend that way
or maybe they can't without assistance
it doesn't matter to me
I am enjoying this feeling

She struggles as I pick her up
It doesn't bother me
till she punches me in the nose
it has already been broken
I quicken my pace
opening the back of my truck
I throw her inside
she screams as her ankle is twisted once more
The feeling returns

Laughing I shut the door
I hear her pleading
I hear her begging
it only increases the wonderful feeling curling up my back
Once more behind the wheel I floor the accelerator
The wheels spin till they get traction

She is quit pleading with me
I only hear her crying
I pull off when I see a motel
I see the fear in her eyes as I look back at her
I love this feeling

She won't go far so I don't have to worry
I rent a room for the night
Once around back
I pull open the back of my truck
She is huddled as far from me as she can
I reach in but she struggles
I grab her bad ankle and squeeze
She screams
dragging her to me I feel her body pressed to mine
it is different then from before
She is submissive now
anything to stop the pain
I ignore that and pick her up

The room is sparse and dark
I like that
I place her on the bed and I go the bathroom
To bad there is no phone here
I made sure of that
as I place the cord by the sink

My shirt is sticky
as I pull it over my head
my once blond hair is now stained red
heh I like it
though I don't think I would like all the flies buzzing about
maybe with dye I can get the same red
I hear her move on the bed
I walk back in and she stops moving
Her eyes are filled with fear as she stares at me
I grin and walk back in the bathroom

My cloths now are drying on the shower stall
I sit with a towel wrapped around my waist
the chairs are quiet comfortable
I doze off as the girl sleeps duct tapped to the head board of the bed

I wake as the sun is rising
The girl is already awake
she is watching me as I walk by her
once in the bathroom I get dressed
I walk back out
She is continuing to stare at me

I am once more on the road
I loved the feeling
as I watched her
She cried
She screamed
It was quiet a scene
When the ambulance came to get her the doctors and bungled her ankle against the rail
I felt that tingle again
I am a demon
and a monster
but even I won't do that to a girl
I just love the feeling

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