Madam Vanity...! Poem by Vidya Pandarinath

Madam Vanity...!

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Born a cute baby, and grew into a child
Doted, caressed, fondled, ranted and taught
Amid all things curious and distraught
In the playful world, sensitive, sober and wild

Hectic days glided, nay flew fast away
Before some composed, false serenity
Took her over and shaped with vanity
She felt she would outwit Venus any day

So was she neat and perfect in all
Beauty, wit and wisdom put together
And to fly high needed wings of feather
" Angel "that was how they chose her to call

She inclined to live a recluse-all alone,
Centred in Self, caring for pelf and power;
Smiling at all the challenges, blooming like a perfect flower
Bluffing and flattery make her put up a face of Stone

Obscure and gone into the distant oblivion now,
She has flourished and vigorous, up in the latest Fashion
"Glory and Glamour "are her Worthiness, living a life of Compassion
Confidence is her jewel, straightforward, dare not tell anybody why And how.?

Truly some attribute lives deep down
In the recesses of lively human form
That can make others feel warm
And comeback to smiles, casting off frown.

Friday, October 4, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: good,life,moment,moments,smile,vanity
Kingsley Egbukole 04 October 2019

" Hectic days glided, nay flew fast away Before some composed, false serenity Took her over and shaped with vanity" A beautiful contrast to her upbringing. Please kindly check my poems " Hope" and " The beauty of death" Kingsley Egbukole

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