Mae Sot, The Spot Appointed By God.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Mae Sot, The Spot Appointed By God....

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MAE SOT, the Spot Appointed by God,

My daughter-in-law is a medical specialist in tropical diseases
it is not so easy to derive a suitable job in her place of residence

one day she has the right job
in the Thai country that is far away

My youngest son, her hub never hesitates
within a month they have packed everything they need

that means
he leaves his own specialist practice and all their wealth

for six months of work on the border with Myanmar
because my son whose love for his wife, every foreign bridge is never too far

she works for the refugees
he takes care of the household, sh-t and pee of their only toddler son every day

Imagine, he now, just like last year in Ghana, has cleaned the entire house
this shows his loyalty, great support for her and his love relationship

the hospital where he has his specialist practice
this time the director decides that his specialist part is done by a completely new specialist
This means that this new specialist gets all the income from the work he has done
and this time for six full months my son has none

as reality sometimes needs
He also helps his beloved wife with the heavy task she is harvesting
a weekend in a month night shift only by telephone
When I was there, I experienced that as her mother-in-law,
she has the heaviest night shift
because it wasn't just for her hospital
but also for all other hospital patients
because I remember more than all fingers on one hand
this is the most difficult task for her
but she can practice her speciality, although only for six months
my beloved beautiful daughter-in-law does not receive a full salary
because in addition to being a specialist, she also helps the refugees
accompanied by her beloved spouse and father of Vinhie

but as I told you all in my Sunday Sublime
this time she got the real job
it sounds so odd
that is in the city of Mae Sot
this name may rhyme in optima forma with the word God

Mae Sot is the place where she comes to work,
Under countless names of Siamese cities
where God is on spot
in all honesty I say so often about this beautiful name of Mae Sot
it rhymes with God
a cutest house of teakwood they have
where Vinhie is accompanied by Miffy

it all sounds so odd
you have done quite well, dear
despite that you do not get full salary
your spouse supports you during all these six months
and of course dear Vinhie is with you too
together with his Miffy....

Your mother-in-law Sylvie
Sunday morning 4 August 2019
at 9.29 a.m.

Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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