Magic Carpet Ride- Visions Of Childhood Poem by ANNE P LadeeAnne MURRAY

Magic Carpet Ride- Visions Of Childhood

Rating: 5.0

Let the child in me come out to play
In that nudging bud of youth that still remains
Etch its frolic deep within my heart
So I will always remember
The rose petals that fall in May

I want to take a playful magic carpet ride
Through all the cotton candy clouds I'll fly
until I spy the land and listen to the ocean waves
while my happy toes wriggle in the sand
On my colorful carpet I'll gleefully soar and glide

I always want to remember...
the first ray of sunshine that starts the day
Like precious jewels of gold
Gleaming through windows in Heaven
As it weaves hopes and dreams in my childlike play

Let we walk with wonder through mystical forests
Peek through enchanted cottages along the way
Restore my memories Mother Earth
Of your magical sacred ways
That weaved their delicate threads
Throughout the gossamer fabric of my memories
As I re-write my stories throughout the days

Bring back to me your many ways
Let me count the many colors of your rainbows
Watching the clouds make visions in the sky
As I tumble and roll down grassy hills
Then sleep soundly under the stars at night
Giggling peacefully in my dreams...
As I float upon a river blue and wide
On my wonderful magic carpet ride

Kayoko Kan 27 July 2012

The best way to travel! !

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Mark Walters 27 July 2012

Nice imagery. Your portrayal paints a delightful picture. Thanks, Mark Walters

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