Make It Compulsory Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Make It Compulsory

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Politicians all over the world bank on the same
Catch the nerves of people and earn the fame
Loot the national wealth and rule the scene
Such unique creature can never be found anywhere or can be seen

Why to go in for distant land to search such wonderful animal?
He is not season bird but make his presence known on arrival
He is powerful, holds presence of mind and speak
We too are all shameless to show him all our weaknesses

What will he perform after reaching on stage?
Advise us on all matters and preach how to manage
He has to gain everything and nothing to loose
As we always follow him and choose as leader too

He can fool everybody with legal immunity
We have made him powerful and mighty
He can fiddle with legal system and get Scot free
As he has enough of time to pluck the fruits from the tree

Judiciary, police and agents close their eyes
No one questions about their integrity and never ask why
This all has made them to act selfishly and above law
The same situation should not go on or be allowed

The situation is likely to worsen one day
No one can save us from being pushed away
Even mighty ruler also has to fall on ground sometime
That day will be final in his life time

People are fed up with corruption
The cases are reported with daily news editions
Whole country is put into shame by their acts
Yet they cleverly pass on the blame and react

Some leaders are let loose to speak
With official patronage to leak
Some of the information to misguide the people
And sow the seeds if dissension to avoid trouble

How come country can bear such politicians?
Why can not be they booked and brought to the scene?
Why can not they be made accountable to judiciary?
The need is felt and there is popular voice to make it compulsory


Angie Holmes41 minutes ago it was okay

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Masy Pourkamali36 minutes ago its ok Comment +1 nice

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Politics and corrurtion Ruchika Sharma40 minutes ago All facts are true I agree with them Comment 1 Comment+1 *

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Politicians all over the world bank on the same Catch the nerves of people and earn the fame

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Why I desired to be poet? By nature I was quiet

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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