Man Is Not Satisfied Poem by Edward Kofi Louis

Man Is Not Satisfied

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Man, oh man! !
Man is not satisfied in this world;
From the beginning till now,
We are all destroying ourselves.

The world was made 'flesh' by creating Adam and Eve,
And they were given the plantation to control;
Then, Adam and Eve went against the Creator's will.

Man oh man!
This world is now controlled with hatred anf jealousy;
And man is not satisfied with all the blessings around,
For, in the name of winning power! ! Many are killed.

Even in love, mankind is not satisfied;
Oh man! ! Why do you leave your wife alone and sleep with another man's wife?
From one girlfriend to another,
Form one house to another,
From one room to another,
From one bed to another,
Man is not satisfied.

From one wowan to another!
But, our greediness will lead is nowhere;
For, hatred and jealousy had been dividing us than ever on this earth! !

Man, oh man!
When will we learn the perfect laws of the Creator? !
From Adam and Eve to this present day of men and women;
And, in vain we do hate each other on this earth.

Edward Kofi Louis

Edward Kofi Louis

Accra, GHANA
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