Mary Jane Lane Poem by Noble Bandit

Mary Jane Lane

Should Mary Jane be legal?

Do you smoke it? Why? Why not?

The real problem with weed

It can lead to harder drugs

Affects your mood and health

And also your perspective

Addiction ruins lives

And social interaction

It is mind-altering

Some need it just to sleep

Also when they wake

And just before they eat

Friendly, mellow stoner

Can’t find any wrong

But your brain is your brain

You can’t get a new one

I hate the term, “Addictive

Personality, ” but it’s true

It’s about not letting

The high get the best of you

A drug-induced psychosis

Or a functioning drug user

My friend can no longer

Talk sensibly, not ever

In a semi-useless state

Got baked before shopping

So I wanna say

Being illegal isn’t working

And you thought your pot

Was laced with LSD?

You just got REALLY stoned

Dude, you’re killing me!

It’s a moral choice

And you know the risks

The bad legal drugs

Are alcohol and cigs

Advocates say it’s harmless

…hard drugs I understand

They can kill you outright

Or cause mental health problems

Out of all of them

It’s the least damaging

But possessing small amounts

Gets you legally branded

People who want to celebrate

In a different way

Should not have to resort

To criminal activity

Driving under the influence

Of anything more than mild

Habit-forming intoxicants

Why drive high? It’s retarded

I don’t begrudge people

Who toke up now and then

Decriminalizing use

And mild possession

Don’t shift responsibility

Away from the person

By blaming the drugs


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