May My Dog Teach Me Hope! Poem by Jeremy Nel

May My Dog Teach Me Hope!

Look into the eyes of Fido
He hopes for love and food
With loving eyes he stares now
To see if his love will affect my mood

How can a dog have hope
When we, superior beings
So oft despair, desperate to cope
With the daily grind of survival, life’s beatings?

Perhaps the answer is love, wondrous thing.
We need someone there
Another being
With whom a life to share

For on our own
We struggle to cope
We’re not made to be alone
Perhaps my dog is not such a dope

For he knows that life with me
Sad as oft it may be
Has its shares of ups, downs which we may want to flee
But in the end, its the hope of love we see.

Oh Fido! Dog thou may be
But perhaps not such a mutt
As we might think, you would agree
Rather, for love a turret

A bastion for love thou art!
Dearest dog, teach me too to hope
When despair touches my shores, to start
My search for someone who cares, to help me cope!

For perhaps no man be an island
We all have a shore
Where we best bask in delight, for It is right
To have someone there, whom we adore!

Through ups and downs,
For life has no guarantees,
Through trials and tribulations
To learn hope, goodbye blues!

Happiness is in our mind
Within our scope.
To find it, dig! Grind!
Dearest dog – teach me hope! ! !

Jeremy Nel

Jeremy Nel

Johannesburg, South Africa
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