Medicaid (In Kentucky) Poem by Randy McClave

Medicaid (In Kentucky)

In the ground I am now laid
Not long after I lost my Medicaid,
People are now chanting and people are cheering
Because of my low income they were fearing.
They hated me because I did not have a job
And for help many times I did sob,
To God I even spoke to many times in a prayer
As he is the only one that does listen and care.
"Medical insurance should not be free"!
Many taxpayers did scream and our governor did agree,
Because of my income, insurance I could not buy
Many have said that I should get sick, then suffer and die.
People have said that their tax dollars should not help me
Because I don't work, and I live in the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
The wealthy who fights, so to pay less taxes
Are always the very first ones to sharpen their axes.
I remember hearing many shout, "I must work and so should they"
Then they went to church, and then to pray,
But, to God's voice or teachings they did not hear
And for me they shed not one solitary tear.
"A beggar", I was called and also named
I was also ridiculed and mocked and then shamed,
Now many will happily sleep in their warm bed
As in the cold ground, I now lay dead.

Randy L. McClave

Sunday, January 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: health
I and my family have lived in Kentucky since the late 1700's we became Republicans to help elect Abraham Lincoln into office. Recently the Republican governor of Kentucky passed a lot for anyone who receives Medicaid must work for it. I am always a Christian first, peoples health with any form of medical assistance should always come first, no matter of social class.
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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