Meditative Praying.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Meditative Praying....

Rating: 5.0

Take a seat calmly
On a chair, or on the floor
vow the hands together
or open the palm of the hands
directing to above
utter the words needed for today
pronounce slowly and clearest
all said in silence
talking with the mind
all in a quiet tone
spend as long as is wished
then gradually you feel His bliss
you feel His Presence
continue the meditation
all words belong to you
all words said in silence
that are the words in the mind
we can talk with words in the mind
all in silence
we will experience
His Omnipresence
His complete Love
His Love poured out
upon you fully
we can also talk in our mind
the Our Father
all time repeating
in a calm and crystal clear tone
all in silence in the mind as many times
since meditation is all alone
with God in our mind, heart, body, and bones....

©Sylvia Frances Chan

A.D. Sunday the 23rd of December 2018
@ 7.15 hrs A.M. West-European Time
Fourth Advent Week

Monday, December 24, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: god,meditation
all in silence in the mind as many times
since meditation is all alone
with God in our mind, heart, body, and bones....

©Sylvia Frances Chan

A.D. Sunday the 23rd of December 2018
@ 7.15 hrs A.M. West-European Time
Fourth Advent Week
Kumarmani Mahakul 29 December 2018

For feeling God's grace and bliss a deep mediation in true mind is necessary. In deep silence meditation gives us nice universal realization about God and his love and peace. A nice message is transferred through this excellently penned poem....100/100 marks

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Kostas Lagos 24 December 2018

No words for this one... Speechless!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 26 December 2018

Thank you so much for your lovely constant support, Kostas, they always mean a very lot to me. G.B.U. and your beloved family. A 10 full vote.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 24 December 2018

His Omnipresence His complete Love His Love poured out upon you fully! A divine piece! A pragmatic write...........................10

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Sylvia Frances Chan 26 December 2018

Thank you so much for your 10 too. Stay Blessed!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 24 December 2018

Thank you so much for your ardent compliment and cute comment. These things occur when you are in Meditative Praying, Dillip. Thank you.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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