Moonless Lullaby Poem by Kelly Boutin

Moonless Lullaby

I came across the world for you;
Someone I hardly knew
You said you'd give the world to me
If I gave you the moon.

The moon I cried to every night
Finally fell into my hands
I gave you my every day
But you don't understand.

How lonely it can be;
We're still so far apart
Your reasons are always pure
But it still remains to be shown.

Cause every day I walk this world
And still I'm so alone
I'm wondering if I was a foolish girl
To give away her moon.

The moon I cried to every night
Finally came so close,
Should I have reached up and held it tight
Could I have escaped this world?

One night the stars shone so bright
When I was dancing to the moon
One night it felt like
Somehow I wouldn't be alone.

So many years ago now
That virgin girl still calls
'Where's those arms to hold me?
Or should I just let go? '

Because I'm still alone here
I go crazy every night
Still looking into nowhere,
For you to be my light.

What will time have to say?
Will this go on timeless,
Will there ever be a day
When I can hold you quiet?

Or should I shut up like the moon
And hang lifeless in the skies, dead?
Should I fall asleep tonight
And tomorrow close my eyelids?

Should I catch the moon tonight,
Before it flies away
Should I let go of what I never had,
What was never mine anyway,

Could I reach those skies and not turn back
And miss you all of ways
Or should I somehow still go on,
Not counting down the days?

We were so close, but just once
We never even kissed
How can we still call it love
When I'm left alone like this?

Am I somehow out of time,
While time flies by for you?
Am I just a silly girl
to give away my moon?

Thursday, July 2, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: lonely
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