My Despair Comes And Goes Poem by Shalom Freedman

My Despair Comes And Goes

My Despair comes and goes
It is not the ultimate despair,
The despair of those who have forever lost hope
The despair of those who have lost what they never will regain
The despair of those for whom there is no way out
No way to begin again
No hope in any way forever

My Despair comes and goes
It is a small Despair compared to many others
When I am in it of course
I believe it like theirs Hopeless forever hopeless

But then a new day begins,
Or a friendly voice says a friendly word
Or something good and positive happens
Or the weather changes
Or some hurt goes away
Some sign comes
And slowly slowly
I am not there anymore.

My Despair comes and goes
It is not the worst Despair
Not yet-

Yesterday I was in Despair
Today I am almost already not

I pray my writing this
Will help some despairing reader feel
They too will hope again.

Frank Avon 30 September 2014

The only way I can comment on this poem right now is to recite lines that speak for me - right now, at this time. Yesterday I was in Despair Today I am almost already not I awoke this morning in despair - health problems I just can't handle. This evening I discovered your poems. Now I am almost already not. Yours is the friendly voice that says a friendly word. Your work is something good and positive. Amen

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Shalom Freedman

Shalom Freedman

Troy New York
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