My Heart Broke Today When I Read (The News Headline) ... Poem by Broken Shell

My Heart Broke Today When I Read (The News Headline) ...

My heart broke today when I read (the news headline) ...

“Children for sale in Haiti for as Little as £30”

No one was around, just here on the computer at the desk.

Big ole crocodile tears streaming down my face.

I could feel my heart break. It melted when I saw the picture of the child

and then read the story of another one being offered for $50 to a visitor there from another country.

I couldn't help but see how much the child looked like God
because the child was born in His image.

When will we realize we all were already bought once for all?

Any price less than greater than infinity (the most holy blood)

simply won't suffice.

Thank God that we all as children sold under sin have been redeemed and ransomed by heaven's currency, not anything like a common thing.

I know that's the truth and there is hope for the children there and their fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, but still I cried today and my heart broke.

I wish I could say I always know what to do, but that wouldn't be the truth.

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