My Home Poem by Nick Kler

My Home

Lately, I set out to find my home
I could not find it in 100m $ mansions
Nor in the shambles of a roadside hut
It wasn't there in all the riches of this world
Nor amongst the poor and the homeless
It wasn't there in the Golden temple
Nor it was there in the center of Taj Mahal
I could not find it in the pages of THE HOLY BIBLE
Nor was it there in the Holy Cross
I could not find it in Gods made of clay
Nor was it in the rituals and religious beliefs

Tired, I was ready to give up my search
And then, I heard a voice from within
'Have you ever looked inside of you? '
There I saw an empty and incomplete home
Front part was completely missing
Yet, it did felt just like home

I heard this voice, yet again
Whispering slowly,
'This part of your incomplete home
Belongs to your daughter and your wife
Your part is there safely within their hearts
Every time you are all together
There you'll see, a perfect home
that belongs to all three of you
Joy, laughter, love and peace
Still cries for you
From every bit of its fallen keel

A home needs an upkeep,
it needs your tender love
When you are all separated
It goes into shambles, My Son.....
You cannot make a home
out of yourself alone!
A lot goes in it,
most importantly, your loved ones
Only then it shall transforms itself
Into a happy and loving home
Just for the three of you
to spend an eternal, blissful lifetime '

Nick Kler

Thursday, January 9, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: family,home,life and death,love
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