My Lonely Heart Poem by Verter McDougald

My Lonely Heart

Rating: 4.8

My heart aches for you, and yet that should not be the case. You'd rather spend your time with the alcohol and drugs, and I have accepted this for far to long. Maybe if I were a 40 ounce of beer or your favorite girl crack cocaine, I could get your attention. I'm just your lonely wife that sits home every weekend while you are out and you have no thought of me or my needs. You only take me off the shelf when it's convenient for you, but this is not what I signed up for. I love you and have put you before myself in every aspect of my life, but it's time to figure out how to love me. There has been no family trips, or a normal childhood for our children. Just one big blurry mess of a marriage.

Edward Kofi Louis 23 February 2016

Plight! ! With the problems of life. Thanks for sharing.

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Dr Antony Theodore 24 August 2015

sad about your plight. your dignity as a woman and as a wife, the sufferings that you endure all alone, your decisions still to change him for a better life........... let your life become what you wish for... that is my prayer for you. thank you for being true to yourself. you are unique and so write.. thank you tony

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Chinedu Dike 24 August 2015

The first thing in humanity that dissolves in alcohol abuse and drug addiction is dignity. A well articulated piece of poetry depicting social decay occasioned by both vices. Thanks for sharing Verter. Please read my poem MANDELA - THE IMMORTAL ICON.

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Kelly Kurt 22 August 2015

A haunting poem, Verter. I wish you peace and a better future

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Verter McDougald

Verter McDougald

District of Columbia
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