My Night Moans Are Because Of You.... Poem by MyIner Agony

My Night Moans Are Because Of You....

I wanna take you and pin you to the bed Play with you while I pur in your ear and whisper....My heart begs in agony for your love,my body aches for the need to feel you body touchmines..... I'll tell u all my desires while you let your mind wander I'm so painfully, deeply, desperately in love with you, I hope you feel the same,I wanna be your shadow your left to my right your ups when your down I want to be so close to you that I feel your soul begging for more... The passion I have developed for you has my mind unsettled but being with you makes me calm but excited, weak to my knees but confident in my steps, I want to share my love and appreciation for all that youve done,I wanna make love with you so powerful that after im done with you just by the look on your face and the limp in ur walk every one will know the crime i just committed, I wanna tell the whole world about you and I and one day.... I will

Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: desire,forever,love,relationship,sex
Bernard F. Asuncion 06 September 2018

Mylner, such a lovely poem..........................

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