My Pain Poem by Ikari No Mae

My Pain

My pain is now permanent.
It once was only temporary.
Now there is no escape from the torment of the reaper.

He plays games with me that make me cry.
Even when I beg for mercy he makes it worse.
He will never let me die.

Why does he do this to me?
Are there no others who can take this pain away?
I need someone to find me before I am lost forever.

I search for an exit only to find more torture.
It is like a chess game with my life on the line.
One false move and I die.

As I navigate through the abyss I find some ray of hope.
It is a picture of happier times.
When I did not know the pain I could cause.

But now I know that I cannot die because of my past.
I have hurt so many in my wake to find meaning in my life.
Many have died for my cause.

At the end there are two choices in life.
I have found them.
My quest is over.

Now I have to choose.
Left on the beaten path.
Or right on narrow walkway.

Ikari No Mae

Ikari No Mae

(Not giving it out.)
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