My Past Was A Journey, Not An Obstacle Poem by beautiful imperfection

My Past Was A Journey, Not An Obstacle

It's hot in here,
yet also cold,
I feel so many things inside
but I can't keep a hold
of these things
attached to me
as if with strings,
cut my chains,
free my wings.
I want to fly
away so far,
so that these memories
will be no more.
I understand I need to let go
of these burdens I claim,
take them away Lord,
remove their fame.
Search me deep,
deeper than before,
cleanse me, heal me,
shut all the doors
of temptation and pain,
bring me to the rainbow
at the end of the rain.
Thank you Lord for pointing out
what I was too blind to see,
heal me in my deepest part
so I can truly be me.
I realize now
more than ever before.
I hurt myself most
when locked behind a door.
I also see
I can't run,
I need to face my fears,
so I can see the sun.
So take them away from me,
every sin, every stain,
let me be
filled with peace and love again.
Bring me to my brighter days
you have in store,
let me treasure my past
and regret no more.
Help me see the truth,
and understand it too,
my past is an important part
of who I am in You!

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