My Smiling Mask Poem by Sabrina Tuch

My Smiling Mask

I am sad and lonely,
Having no one to comfort me,
So I wear a mask that always smiles,
So i can hide my feelings behind it.

Before then, I had many friends.
With my mask on, i am just like them.
But deep inside,
I still have that feeling of emptiness,
Like theres something is missing..

Nobody hears my cries at night,
For this mask i wear is 2 hide the real me.
No one can see the pain I feel,
For this mask i made 2 laugh

But behind my smile is really tears,
And behind my comfort are my fears.
Everything you see,
Is not everything there is to me.

Day by day, I slowly die.
I cant go on like this,
Theres something missing....

Now I'm searching
For the thing that can stop my crying.
For someone who can take away my fears,
For the person who will wipe my tears.

But till i find that person i'll just keep on smiling.
Hiding behind my mask. more and more...
Hopefully one day I can truly smile again,
Till then, I'll be here...waiting....

Nick Fuentes 24 June 2011

This poem is great I can relate to this

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