My Whine Poem by Ghumakkad Agantuk Ram

My Whine

Where are you looking while I am here
Just listen to me and feel my music, O! My Dear
Say something to me and give me some care
Today I feel, something is missing to share
Now it's your turn to give me a stare
Sit by me and touch me, so to make some fair
Set yourself close to me, at least, for a while
Get me this way and don't put me on more trial
Here's me too true and real but having lost my style
Around and with the world I get comfort but not smile
It looks all for nothing without you and your shine
It yells here 'Ram' within, My Heart, just hear my whine
You know, now the wait too, wants to be over
Aura, all the around, calls you to be closer
Come, sit and be with me forever however
No other thing can quench my thirst so ever
Yeah, here's I, waiting for you with my guitar
Stop the all and just come, let's play with soul
Enjoy the music singing thyself with my soul
Your arrival will give me the song, I'll do the whole
There will be the only One, making the whole.

Ghumakkad Agantuk Ram

Ghumakkad Agantuk Ram

Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
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