My Wishes Story, May Peace Be In The World Poem by Gloria Rose

My Wishes Story, May Peace Be In The World

Rating: 5.0

First, I want the world to be a better place
Because the world is not in good shape
Thousand and thousand of people are dying these days
When you close your eyes to sleep
Each second that you are breathing with
Each second represent the die of a person
Women, men, little kids die every second
In the world, especially in Africa
Little children who doesn’t have their mama with them
Are dying, they don’t have something to eat, drink
Or even to listen to a beautiful songs that could help them bring back good memories’
My second wish is to see if we can learn how to love each other
And respect each other
In these days you can see lots of peoples are killing each other
Because of something stupid, like money and weed
Something that is not important in this world
Something that doesn’t have good consequences at the end of the day
My third wish is that I want all the wars to stop
In each country that we are praying for
My fourth wish and my last is to know
If you actually learn something about this poem
And I wish that it touch your heart to your sensitive place
Just remember is never to late to love someone
Who is sitting beside you
Or someone that did something bad to you
And you know that he or she didn’t meant to do it
Because we only had one life in front if us to live
Not two, just one
If we die we will not come back to this earth to forgive someone
Do the best with your life don’t waste it
Just because someone told you too
Believe in yourself, only you
Not even someone you love except your heart
Just listen to your heart
May this wish of mine come true
Let’s just have hope in that
May GOD help us to take good decision in our lives
May peace be in the world
Who read it

John Knight 07 December 2009

Hi Gloria Angel - A lovely poem from a lovely girl - I score you a TEN. I love all your wishes - they are my wishes too. ONE - Make the World a better place - we can beigin in our own homes and communities. TWO - Love & Respect - that again is something we can all do something about TODAY! THREE - Wars! You mention prayer that is so so important - Also we can ensure Peace by electing the right leaders. Pray for Barak Obama he is doing what no other US President has done to the same extent. He is going round the World saying I LOVE YOU - America LOVES YOU We want to be your friends and not you enemies. FOUR - I love this! This poem will affect everyone who reads it! I am making sure from now on that i will love everyone and not have any regrets if someone goes to 'BE WITH TH LORD'. Keep looking up Gloria - keep parying - I love you for this poem. Love you in Poetry - JOHN.

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Rafique Farooqi 07 December 2009

Global peace and prosperity are utmost necessities, you voice is encouraging.....well done 10

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Rafique Farooqi 07 December 2009

Global peace and prosperity are utmost necessities, you voice is encouraging.....well done 10

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Gloria Rose

Gloria Rose

congo brazzaville
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