N I H Poem by Long Tooth


(Please! Donald! You Need Help!)

Yes, 'Not invented here' it seems Trump's motto for today!
Thus, institutions long revered get taken out of play.
'What is not mine cannot be saved, ' the lesson through the noise,
The truth is elementary: You like it? Hates your toys!

He's baddest bully in the world (Don't doubt it! He might cry!)
Glib prostitutes his bestest friends (a friend's a trick you buy!)
The rich are laws unto themselves, let others meet contracts.
If some complain, use scabs and launch Orwellian attacks.

Yes, only fools owe any tax, it's cheaper just to cheat,
Corruption (learned at Daddy's knee) , his childhood's prime red meat,
Our government, rich swallow whole, your children their dessert,
And golf (where they keep score) life's game du jour, the smart convert!

Yes, patronage's the game he plays, 'Me patron, you peon! '
And competition's no problem if Donald's champion.
Unless the Russians are involved, then Putin is the man!
'He whups my ass, just like my Dad! Dictators? I'm huge fan! '

Yes, moneyed folks know Trump's no mensch, keep daughters at arm's length,
But secrecy surrounds his house; in death throes, stench shows strength!
He rants and raves and says he'll sue (it keeps the meek off-guard) ,
But if you look over his fence? White trash infests his yard!

Yes! Donald's wife? He hates her life; don't think you are alone!
The only sex toys still in use are 'Fox and friends' by phone.
As global warming melts earth's ice, moves planet toward shipwreck,
Crimes mortify close fiends, own flesh; their gravestones squeal 'Oh Heck! '

Long Tooth
April 21,2018

Saturday, April 21, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: bullying,humor,politics,truth
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