Neglected Poem by anais vionet


Rating: 5.0

I'm sporting this new lipstick
it won't fade, smudge or smear
I'll be lucky if it wears off this year.

I've got this new eyeliner that's like
a luxurious, glittering, penciled tattoo
Leong said, "How do you get it off you? "

I unpacked these chemical wonders
to see if they've lost their luster
by being neglected since last summer.

When you study too much, you feel pent-up,
so my compadres and I chose to get dolled-up,
rolling-up to dinner, like beauty queens on parade,
and not just sophomore scrubs trying to make the grade.
Webster: compadre: a close friend or buddy

Sunday, December 18, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: university,studies,teen,fun
Bri Edwards 18 December 2022

I give 4 stars for poem and add one for the makeup. : ) bri

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anais vionet 18 December 2022

Yeah, makeup makes everything look better

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Bri Edwards 18 December 2022

oops! .....joined the Circus? And if the poem is true, I wonder how dinner went for you girls. Was it, I wonder, on campus or off. Was Peter there, or is he fictitious? bri

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anais vionet 18 December 2022

Peter had two job interviews this weekend in NY. We just ate in the residential dining hall - iit was just silliness.

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Bri Edwards 18 December 2022

I especially liked stanzas 1 & 2. Are you SURE you hadn't joined the c

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anais vionet 18 December 2022

Oh, you mean clown makeup?

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Bri Edwards 18 December 2022

Were the 'chemical wonders' NOT the only neglected things? I read the title and thought of a person being neglacted. Did you perhaps think that YOU had been neglected, you SCRUB? !

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anais vionet 18 December 2022

No, my makeup, locked away since summer was neglected

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anais vionet

anais vionet

Paris, France
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