Neily Leary Poem by Francis Duggan

Neily Leary

I have read of the passing of Neily Leary to his wife Breeda and their children a huge loss
It can only be a time of sadness for them they have been burdened with a heavy cross
In his too brief life so many he befriended and to help many out he went out of his way
From Millstreet in the flesh he has gone forever but his lot is everyone's lot one day
He lived in Adrivale a few miles out of Millstreet before he came to live in Millstreet Town's West End
His life's journey mostly spent around Duhallow and on that journey he made many a friend,
One could not help but feel sad for to read of his passing but the Reaper claims the lives of all and does not differentiate
And though of time Neily did not have a long span his successful life we ought to celebrate
People like him make the World better to live in for in Neily Leary there was so much good
Surely a great role model for the young of Millstreet for he would only help you if he could
To the country-side that is known as Duhallow the people like the Seasons come and go
And in Millstreet with great views of Clara mountain not many people there I now would know
And Neily Leary is one who will be missed from Millstreet he will never walk in the West End again
He was a very good and a decent person and those who knew him fond memories of him do retain.

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