Never Good Enough For You Poem by JJ Lockhart

Never Good Enough For You

I tried so hard to be who you wanted me to be
But now I know that it will never be good enough for you
I wish I could,
for once in my life,
Make you proud
I can’t change the past
And make things right
I only wish you knew how much I hate myself for it
I can’t be perfect
I’m sorry if what I do isn’t good enough for you
And if you disapprove it only makes me feel
Like I have failed you once again
I’m sorry I didn’t turn out to be the person you expected
But I can’t change who I am
I will never be you and I know that is what you want
But it isn’t going to happen
Did you know you I used to wish I could be like you?
That isn’t the case anymore
How can I be like someone who is always trying to change me?
I can’t
I will never be good enough for you
No matter how hard I try
It is never enough
I don’t know if I will ever make you proud

Charley60 K 31 December 2006

A good write-but sad it is. It is ashame that there are people in our lives that are suppose to love us but can't accept who we are because of their hangups and their thinking they are perfect and that their way is the only way. Yes, it can crush you-if it is a parent, and the same if it a mate- I have for 46 years reacted only to things in my life-never living, never learning to love me, or never learning who I was. Always a caretaker-taking care of everyone else but me. Last year I had somewhat of a nervous breakdown, I just closed down after all these years of living, fixing, and taking care of everybody else. I say all this to say this. The people in your life will cause you, if you allow them to, will run your life, will fit you into a mold, and even write you off. One day, and hope it never happens to you, that you never have to wake up and realize you have never lived your life and think of all the years you have wasted-while they have gone and done all the things they wanted to do. So learn to love you and accept who you are-and remember there is only 'one' of you.

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