New 'Required' Poem-Submission 'Field': My Opinion(S) And Suggestions ..... [topic 'Field' Requirement; My Thoughts] Poem by Bri Edwards

New 'Required' Poem-Submission 'Field': My Opinion(S) And Suggestions ..... [topic 'Field' Requirement; My Thoughts]

PH members may object to.....
the new poem “Topic” field;
until it has been satisfied,
a poet may not, a poem, to us yield.
It did surprise me when I saw it,
and I’ve only seen it once,
but I feel there is a good reason for it;
I don’t think PH is a (total) dunce.

I already categorize my poems.....
(somewhat) , ......following each title.
Now it may seem to some PH poets.....
that they’ve been fixed with a bridle.
PH has allowed some rules to be.....
ignored, and poets don’t suffer for it.
For THIS rule we may have to be more.....
flexible or we CAN’T ignore it.

I’m sure some poets and readers....
will like what this new rule does bring.
Some may enjoy the benefits so much....
that praises for it they soon will sing.
It’s too early for me to tell......
if this new rule will impede me at all.
I don’t think in order to fill the “field”.....
I’ll have to bang my head against a wall.

[[ I find the poems I read on PH....
in various ways indeed,
and rarely have those ways included.....
using PH’s topic list of subjects such as “snake”, “love”, or “greed”.
Until one is familiar with various poets.....
and what sorts of poems they write.....
you may go fishing at ‘who’s online’;
there you may find poems in which you delight.
OR, if you can, you can stay “online”.....
for countless hours a day and see who “fishes” you.
You don’t have to be awake while online,
and through comments received you may find a few.....
other poets who like your stuff,
and in return you may like theirs.
You may find some which make you laugh or cry,
or scary ones which curl all your hairs! ]]

DO complain, if you really “must”;
in PH you don’t have to always trust.
But it’s a useful FREE site, and.....
what it feeds ME beats water and crusts.

I’ve sent a note to PH.....
giving my concerns about this field.
Why don’t all concerned poets do the same.....
and see if, collectively, some power we wield? ?

(March 6 + 7,2014)

Friday, March 7, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: food
this poem is in response to a message i received yesterday on PH, as follows:

'From: Miroslava Odalovic (Boka Kotorska Montenegro; Female; 42)
Bri Edwards
Date Time:
3/6/2014 12: 22: 00 PM (GMT -6: 00)
Dear Poet,

I have written a poem about the recent poemhunter procedures by which we need to classify our poems into a limited number of categories. The name of the poem is 'Required Fields' and it can be found on top of my page. I am interested in finding out what other poets think about it. Please, feel free to make comments.
Best regards
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and here is Miroslava's poem:

Required Field

how on earth do you expect me
to fulfill your required field
you want the poems to be about

but what if i want to write
about the hand...

what if i want to write about
required fields...

you want me to put
all my thoughts
in your little slots


you cannot put the worlds
within the boundaries
of your limited perceptions

categorization freaks!
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and here is the comment i left yesterday at his poem:

'why do you say more absurd? did you already think the site to be absurd? ? granted i sometimes have a bone to pick with the site, but basically i LOVE the site and would be sad (a little bit at least) to see its 'demise'.

i have only had to fill the new required slot once, so i am not very familiar with the topic. it will be VERY DISAPPOINTING if i find myself restricted. i have, for most of my time on PH, put after the title of each of my poems [ in brackets], some clues as to the poem's content and sometimes its length.

we shall each see how this new development by PH impacts us. of course anyone who wishes can find another FREE site in which to share poetry, comments and messages. let me know if you find a better one; i've only tried one other and was not impressed with it. thanks very much for submitting this poem. it is a very worthwhile topic to discuss.........especially if one has nothing better to do (that comment is only supposed to be partly in fun) . thanks for sharing.

in this line: you cannot put the worlds...............did you mean worlds, world, or words? ? ? ? :) bri

thanks for sharing. i'll send to MyPoemList.

i can imagine that some poets and some readers will enjoy this new feature'
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and IN CASE SOME OF YOU READERS had not already known it, PH has had a topic list available for as long as i have been on this site, i believe. yes, it is limiting! ! ! WE MUST BE CUNNING! ! bri :)
{i used 'Food for thought' this time for a topic. but it didn't work; let me try just plain Food! }
Terry Craddock 02 May 2014

Poem Hunter Imposes Required Field Topic I never investigated the required field options, it was not on my list, never had time never mind, topic is a label a reader should be able; to define theme style to label topic makes me smile, it is a tool for finding themes one likes, but it takes away the pleasant surprise from poems which unknown might suddenly bite; still it might aid readers with limited topic range tolerance, for those who perhaps love romance but can't dance to other tunes, which might loom large with ice berg implications... Copyright © Terence George Craddock Written in May 2014 on the 2.5.2014. Inspired by a conversation with Bri Edwards about his PH Required Field poems.10+ Bri :)

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Valsa George 10 March 2014

By saying you don't have to bang your head In filling the 'field' against any wall that obstruct What do you finally propose Is it that PH should insist on a 'field'? No doubt, this site is something we all trust But as one side supports the 'topic' and the other want to bust We are at a loss to decide for whom you really muse From the equivocal way you flaunt your views

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Thomas Vaughan Jones 08 March 2014

Let's face it. We all have egos and we all think our writing is important. Some even call it, very pretentiously, work Work to me involves exertion, using muscle and copious amounts of sweat, or in my case, walking into a blazing building in search of some poor lost soul. Earning an honest coin. Even other poets are not particularly interested in what we have to say, and why should they. They each have their own forums. Nobody should have to peruse countless poems to find something to meet our needs. In its way, PH is trying to meet this point of view. The world itself categorizes as it sees fit. If anything we have written falls into one of its interests, the world will stop and take notice. Otherwise the world will walk past without a backward galnce. This is the way it is. We have to learn to deal with it.

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James Mclain 07 March 2014

Green works for me....iip

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
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