Nice Guys Finish First, Shy Guys Finish Last, Bad Boys In The Past Poem by miss liss

Nice Guys Finish First, Shy Guys Finish Last, Bad Boys In The Past

Here’s the same ol' story of a boy that meets a girl,
But she was with a boy who makes her want to hurl.
He told her she deserved better and some other guy
But she didn't listen; she'd rather believe the jerk's lies.

When that all was over and she knew should have listened,
Tears fell from her eyes and on her cheek they glistened.
They vented about how much they hated the other sex,
Also about how much they were hurt by their ex.

You can say they got close, they shared a bond,
Day by day of each other they became more fond.
They would talk for a while, but suddenly it stopped
From his busy life, she was cropped.

He could blame it on his schedule and his lack of time
She knew to blame him for that would really be a crime.
She accepted he had a life and there might not be any room,
But there was another reason behind it that she could assume.

It was a classic case of a guy who was really just scared,
His fear of commitment was what left him impaired.
He knew he liked her, but he never thought she'd like him back,
The reality of it all brought upon him an attack.

He then ran away from what he knew was true,
So this is what she had to say to you:

Don’t be scared, don't be shy.
You seem like you're the kind of guy
Who could treat me right, give me what I deserve,
If only you had the nerve.

We’ve both been hurt; we've both shed tears,
So come on let me conquer all your fears.
You might not be ready, but neither am I,
All I’m asking for is an honest try.

If you think I’m not worth the trouble and you'd rather hide,
Don’t think for much longer I’ll be by your side.
I want someone who cares; I want someone who tries,
I want someone who can look me in the eyes.
Tell me I’m the best girl you've ever known,
Tell me you don't want to be alone.

If you can't be a man and admit how you feel,
Then I don't want my heart to be the one you want to steal.
If you can't be proud of me and show me off to all your buddies,
Then leave me alone so I can focus on my studies.
If you don't think I’m pretty when I’m wearing sweats and a tee,
Then you're not the kind of guy that I would like to see.

Don’t get me wrong; I can be fine on my own.
Being a strong, independent girl is all I’ve known.
I’ve got a lot going for me and I’ve got a lot to lose.
That’s why I have to be careful of every guy I choose.

Call me old fashioned, but I want to be courted
Because up until now, I’ve always been shorted.
There were guys who could care less about who I am,
When it came to my feelings they never gave a damn.
They used me in every single way that they could,
Did things to me no good guy ever would.

You’re not like the rest,
You may be the best,
But we'll never know unless we put it to the test.
If you promise not to lie, if you promise not to cheat,
I promise I’ll be the best girl that you'll ever meet.

If it doesn't end up working, if we find it isn't right,
I’m not the kind of girl who likes to put up a fight.
All that matters is that you're happy and if with me you think you're not,
All I can say is, 'hey, at least we gave it a shot.'

It’s a shot that's worth making,
A risk that's worth taking,
As long as the feelings we have are ones we're not faking.

Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game,
Because giving up on what you want will only bring you shame.
When you're ready, step up to the plate; see the pitcher on the mound
She may be the greatest thing that you ever found.

So where do we go from here?
You tell me.
I guess all we can do is just wait and see...

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