Night Poem by Robert Ronnow


Whereas last night the full moon made the night resemble
      a cold day
Today clouds give the night its old shrouded, crowding
Ghosts stalk the forest gleaming (at me) from just
      beyond the circle of light thrown by the fire.
You, old night, I wish to make my peace with.
Eventually I know even I (I think, I'm told) must enter
      naked, a cold north wind in winter or a gentle
      September breeze instructing my sole spirit....

There exist powers overwhelming for the human body
      and mind.
The aborigine's untold night of meditation on the
      mountain, coming away with his life-long totem and
The mountains tonight are alive with benevolence that
      could (for one lacking humility and respect or the
      hunter's perspicacity) flame up into insane
You, old complete night, I wish to make my peace with
Being utterly a creature of the water and the light.

Night on the mountain, the human animal alone, without
      cohorts, speech and music inane without other ears
      to listen
Yet blasting, blasting against the night
Even after fire dies, its skin still the halo beacon to
      nothing in nothing,
Mind pouring on the electricity, outward to friends back
      in the cities
Receiving in return only strange sounds.

The ear must differentiate and protect.
Just as fluids within keep the body balanced so must the
      ear when the eyes are blinded by night
Balance the mind. Eyes, heroes of the day, enjoying
      orgiastically autumnal delights
Are now slaves to every primeval passion of the mind.
But the ears: it is a sound they have heard before and
      can identify.

Night, old strange night (were we once acquainted?) , I
      wish to be at peace with you by becoming
Fear like fire clings to its fuel.
I wish to dampen passionate fears by attuning the five
      senses to all that is normal dark and day.
To know the habits and cycles of everything I live beside
And my inner spirit become a silent tide attuned to
      nature's lunacy.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: cloud,day,fire,ghost,meditation,moon,mountain,night,spirit,wind
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