No 1 Super Villain Poem by Kevin Patrick

No 1 Super Villain

In my Nehru jacket I’m a super villain
Plotting world domination with a Persian kitten
Hidden in a secret layer, on the roof of old Kashmir
With an arsenal of bandits in tight leather outfits
My list of master plans is a Rubix cube conundrum
A stately Möbius band of perplexing decisions
I plan to own the world using satellites and lasers
Building giant drill heads shifting continents through earthquakes
Technologies my expertise with commerce as my pastime
Politics is Childs play with a pawn in every office
There isn’t a crooked general who I haven’t on my payroll
Or a Sauvé femme fatal who’s the devil of an angel
Although I’m not a master lover but I’m an expert in my tongue
Russian, Madrid and Arabic are dialects I a wag
Aesthetics for Confucious creeds are something’s I arrange
Crafted around Sartres ideals for moral mused Fung shui
I’ve got a penthouse in Brazil, and island off Taiwan
Own quarter of North Africa and a fiefdom in Dubai
But the thing I want the most is to be master of the world
A god amongst the Shepard’s of the lesser lambs of earth
I’m a renascence man with a taste for the bombast
A hoarder with the knowledge of encyclopedic bank
With a cold tactic face and androids sense of warmth
I’m going to be super villain no 1

S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 22 December 2013

Woah OMG! I dont tink u r any such a world imperialist ambition holder. Or r u? But i give u kudos for dis quirky twist of wild imagination. Or mayb dis was a parody of some superpower seeking world hegemony. I tink d world needs compassion rather than hi-tech domination. And u realy know Arabic? And tel me if u ever need my votes as world pres. I might giv em'. Dis was an entertaining craft by yor pen.

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