No. Poem by anais vionet


Rating: 5.0

Most of the girls (Anna, Sophy, Sunny, Bili, Leong and Lisa) are in the kitchen eating breakfast. "Where's Anais? " Sunny asks, spooning some eggs onto her plate and taking 4 strips of bacon.

"She's out by the pool, feeling sorry for herself." Leong whispers, distractedly, reading the "Fruity Pebbles" box and poking the multicolored flakes with her spoon. "These are good."

"She was cantankerous." Sophy adds.
"Aungery." Anna adds.
"Stevening." Lisa contributes.

The front door causes the alarm system to chirp as it opens and Kim calls out, "Morning! " from the foyer.

"What's going on? " Sunny asks, frustratedly and looking around in concern.

"Charles told her she couldn't invite Peter this summer." Lisa said, half whispering. Bili and Anna look up from their plates, like interested bystanders, to check Sunny's reaction.

Sunny looks shocked, "Really - he can do that? Why? " she asks, almost confused. "He's usually such an invisible figure." she notes, quizzically.

Kim comes into the kitchen and hangs her purse on a white coat rack - out of habit - like she's done for years. "Charles tells her what to do, " she says, giving Bili a hug. "and the girl obeys."

"Yep, " Bili confirms, bobbing her head offhandedly, like it's a done deal.

Sunny nods thoughtfully and putting a napkin under her plate, heads out the double-French doors toward the pool to find me. I'm sitting by the pool, watching the water, one leg crossed over the other, which is in the water, slowly kicking, making deliberate waves that ripple across the light blue surface.

"Hey, " Sunny said as she approached, "mind company? "
"Nah, " I reply, "I'm over it."
"I heard, " Sunny reported, taking a seat next to me, "sorry."
"Just a disappointment - and a little social embarrassment." I said, chuckling self-consciously.
"Did he say why? ' Sunny ventured.
"He just said, "It's a bad idea, " I repeated, shrugging.

After a moment of silence I added, "He's probably right - I'm glad I hadn't asked Peter yet - THAT would have been lethiferous, " I cringe physically at the thought.

"Besides, " I disclose, "that might have been weird, me with someone and no one else? ? "
Sunny gives a "maybe" nod.

"Like when one of us brings someone into our dorm room for the night, " I continue, "and you have to walk through the common room - where everyone's studying - and they know what you're doing, and you know, they know, what you're going to do. It's SUPER awkward." We both chuckle in agreement.

aungery = annoyed and angry
stevening = a tantrum directed at the world conspiracy
lethiferous = lethal, fatal, deadly

Thursday, July 7, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: teen,summer,vacation,rules
Bri Edwards 26 November 2023

Do YOU see my comment about 'superfluous' commas in 1 sentence? I may NEVER have used 'that' word EVER! bri : )

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Bri Edwards 26 November 2023

anais, PH &/or this Chrome P'C has again messed up my sending of comments; I'm sure 'it' is NOT my fault (again) . If you don't receive at least 5 comments here from me, call me. You KNOW my number, RIGHT? ? bri 5 ***** stars

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Bri Edwards 26 November 2023

(cont.) THIS STANZA: ' 'Hey, ' Sunny said as she approached, 'mind company? ' '

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Bri Edwards 26 November 2023

anais, In this stanza most of it is in the PAST TENSE. I guess IT's NOT hurting anyone, but I noticed (CONT.)

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anais vionet

anais vionet

Paris, France
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